Everybody jumps on the “techno-sexy” high transmission tower inspections. Most storm damage however, hits poles, not towers. There are 180 Million power poles to 4.5 Million transmission towers – or 40 poles to 1 tower.
Most of the poles, at least east of the Rockies can not be inspected by conventional quad copters: Narrow canopies above the pole tops, webs of residential wires – not to mention the issues related to penetrating a substation for a quick check. The caged Roller gives you access in most of these cases. Typically you approach/roll from the ground up – using poles or structures as your guide and friend – instead as obstacles.

The R4 Roller was built for a Lineman’s every day work in distribution & sub-stations. It is ideal in this, very common environment of tree branches, house wires everywhere, narrow canopies and sub-stations.
This hybrid tool easily navigates hard to reach places on or near the ground, as well as the the top of utility poles or inside a sub-station.